Landlords Compliance, started off as EPC Energy Solutions in 2008 & have been offering excellent services to landlords in Edinburgh
for the past 14 years.
From EPC’s to Legionella risk assessments, our qualified team strives to provide letting agents throughout Edinburgh keeping their
properties safe and secure according to all regulations established.
In the last 14 years of experience, landlords compliance invested in our staff qualifications in order to provide you with a full range of
services, so that you can stop spending hours arranging different contractors. At Landlords Compliance you are in safe hands, we will
provide you with the best solutions for any challenge you might face.
We have invested in the most advanced tools to make contacting tenants, setting up access, and delivering certificates as simple as
possible, as we are aware of the urgency with which these matters must be addressed.
If you’re looking for reliable landlord certificates provided in Edinburgh and surrounding areas, look no further Landlords Compliance.
For a free quote get in touch by calling on 0131 648 0748 or email us at, we will be happy to help.
We are a local company proudly serving Edinburgh, Falkirk, Midlothian and nearby areas.
We can contact tenants to arrange or collect keys from letting agents.